Calamarain | openCards

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Event Calamarain


    An intelligent species that exists as ionized gas and can travel in space. Penetrated the shields of the U.S.S. Enterprise seeking revenge on Q in 2366.

    Event Event

    Plays at location of opponent's choice. Moves like a ship (RANGE = 6). May damage (not destoy) one ship OR kill Mortal Q at same location (discard event). (Immune to Kevin Uxbridge.)

    Rule hint for this card

    This card has an clarification:

    This event’s owner moves it in the same way as he would move a ship, but it is not a ship, is not affected by cards that affect ships, such as Q-Nets or Wormholes, and cannot move through the Bajoran Wormhole. Discard the event after either use (damaging a ship or killing Mortal Q). Calamarain cannot damage a cloaked or phased ship. See cloaking and phasing, Explore Interstellar Matter.

    This event may not cause damage that will destroy a ship. When used with a Battle Bridge side deck, it causes default damage. Draw the two damage markers from your side deck, one at a time, and place each one on the ship unless it would destroy that ship (in which case discard that damage marker instead).

    Taken form Glossary - Version 1.9.5.

    Card logging info: Logged by openCards team at May 1st, 2009.

    ST1E libraryCollector's Info

    Rare card from Q-Continuum Q-Continuum (Copyright 1996 by Decipher)
    Image Source: The Next Generation - Déjà Q (Season 3 - Episode 13)
    UCT-ID : ST1E 3 R 20 (manufactor info on card: none)
    Print-Style : color (standard) / black border / non-foil
    No "reprints" for this card (no cards published with same title and game text in another expansion or with another collection info).

    ST1E libraryCard-Reviews

    - "Blaze of Glory Rules Supplement: Calamarain" by Decipher-Games at Mar 17th, 2009
    Log in OR create a new account to write a card review.

    ST1E libraryDecks

    There are no decks with this card this time.Create your own Deck in the ST1E deck section!

    openCards tradeplaceTradeplace references

    There are 48 entries for Calamarain (ST1E 3 R 20) at the Tradeplace (69 haves and 9 wants). Click here to see all trade list entries for this Rare card!
    Also see here for all trade lists with any card fom "Q-Continuum".