Frodo, Courteous Halfling | openCards

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    Frodo, Courteous Halfling

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    LotR libraryCollector's Info

    Promotion Foil card from The Two Towers Anthology (Copyright 2004)
    UCT-ID : LotR 4 TR 301 (manufactor info on card: 4 R 301)
    Print-Style : color (standard) / black border / foil
    List of "reprints" for Frodo, Courteous Halfling:
    - 4 R 301 from The Two Towers (first print)
    - 4 RF 301 from The Two Towers
    List of "personas" (same card title) for Frodo:
    - Frodo, Old Bilbo's Heir (LotR 1 R 289) - The Fellowship of the Ring
    - Frodo, Son of Drogo (LotR 1 C 290) - The Fellowship of the Ring
    - Frodo, Reluctant Adventurer (LotR 2 C 102) - Mines of Moria
    - Frodo, Courteous Halfling (LotR 4 R 301) - The Two Towers
    - Frodo, Tired Traveller (LotR 4 C 302) - The Two Towers
    - Frodo, Master of the Precious (LotR 5 U 111) - Battle of Helms Deep
    - Frodo, Hope of Free Peoples (LotR 7 C 317) - The Return of the King
    - Frodo, Wicked Masster! (LotR 7 R 318) - The Return of the King
    - Frodo, Resolute Hobbit (LotR 10 P 121) - Mount Doom
    - Frodo, Protected by Many (LotR 11 S 164) - Shadows
    - Frodo, Frenzied Fighter (LotR 13 R 149) - Bloodlines
    - Frodo, Weary From the Journey (LotR 15 C 144) - The Hunters
    - Frodo, Little Master (LotR 19 P 28) - Age's End
    - Frodo, Resolute Hobbit (LotR 0 P 27) - Promotion Cards
    - Frodo, Mr. Underhill (LotR 0 P 67) - Promotion Cards

    LotR libraryCard-Reviews

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    LotR libraryDecks

    Latest 5 Decks with this card (or with a reprint of this card):
    - "Never Did I See An Axe So Wielded!" by Shawn Conley
    - "The Horse-Lords of Middle Earth" by Trevor McGregor
    - "Rohan "Beat Down"" by Ben Litz
    - "Got Maneuver?" by Heidi-Marie Farinholt
    - "Defenders of the Mark" by Johnny Crawford
    To see all decks with this card click here.
    Create your own Deck in the LOTR deck section!

    openCards tradeplaceTradeplace references

    There are no entries for this card in the Tradeplace.
    Also see here for all trade lists with any card fom "The Two Towers Anthology".