Face of the Enemy (FotE) | openCards

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[Face of the Enemy] Face of the Enemy (FotE)

    Regular expansion of 45 virtual cards published by The Continuing Committee (2015-11-13).

    Overview card types:
       Overview rarities:

    UCT-IDNamesort descendingRarityTypeAffiliation
    ST2E 35 V 1VirtualDilemma
    ST2E 35 V 2VirtualDilemma
    ST2E 35 V 3VirtualDilemma
    ST2E 35 V 4VirtualDilemma
    ST2E 35 V 5VirtualEvent
    ST2E 35 V 6VirtualEvent
    ST2E 35 V 7VirtualEvent
    ST2E 35 V 8VirtualEvent
    ST2E 35 V 9VirtualEvent
    ST2E 35 V 10VirtualEvent
    ST2E 35 V 11VirtualEvent
    ST2E 35 V 12VirtualEvent
    ST2E 35 V 13VirtualEvent
    ST2E 35 V 14VirtualInterrupt
    ST2E 35 V 15VirtualInterrupt
    ST2E 35 V 16VirtualMission
    ST2E 35 V 17VirtualMission
    ST2E 35 V 18VirtualMission
    ST2E 35 V 19VirtualPersonnelCardassian icon
    ST2E 35 V 20VirtualPersonnelFederation icon
    ST2E 35 V 21VirtualPersonnelFederation icon
    ST2E 35 V 22VirtualPersonnelFederation icon
    ST2E 35 V 23VirtualPersonnelFederation icon
    ST2E 35 V 24VirtualPersonnelFederation icon
    ST2E 35 V 25VirtualPersonnelFederation icon
    ST2E 35 V 26VirtualPersonnelFederation icon
    ST2E 35 V 27VirtualPersonnelFederation icon
    ST2E 35 V 28VirtualPersonnelFederation icon
    ST2E 35 V 29VirtualPersonnelFederation icon
    ST2E 35 V 30VirtualPersonnelFederation icon
    ST2E 35 V 31VirtualPersonnelFerengi icon
    ST2E 35 V 32VirtualPersonnelKlingon icon
    ST2E 35 V 33VirtualPersonnelKlingon icon
    ST2E 35 V 34VirtualPersonnelRomulan icon
    ST2E 35 V 35VirtualPersonnelRomulan icon
    ST2E 35 V 36VirtualPersonnelRomulan icon
    ST2E 35 V 37VirtualPersonnelRomulan icon
    ST2E 35 V 38VirtualPersonnelRomulan icon
    ST2E 35 V 39VirtualPersonnelRomulan icon
    ST2E 35 V 40VirtualPersonnelRomulan icon
    ST2E 35 V 41VirtualPersonnelRomulan icon
    ST2E 35 V 42VirtualShipBorg icon
    ST2E 35 V 43VirtualShipFederation icon
    ST2E 35 V 44VirtualShipKlingon icon
    ST2E 35 V 45VirtualShipRomulan icon

    In the intro to every Star Trek television series, no character was ever shown. Space, and the ships that sailed it, took center stage. This was no accident. Ships are central to the Star Trek universe and they have become synonymous with the people that helmed them. The images of the Enterprise, a Romulan Warbird or a Borg Cube leave no doubt in the mind of a viewer what those ships stand for. It is from this certainty that Face of the Enemy emerges. Today we're excited to announce that Face of the Enemy, the thirty-fifth Second Edition expansion, will be released Friday, November 13th, 2015. Face of the Enemy will bring forty-five (45) new virtual cards to players all across the world, and will be legal for constructed play one week after its release, on Friday, November 20th, 2015.

    Face of the Enemy, at its core, is about ships – and bringing their diverse characteristics to light. Both Romulans and TNG, the two affiliations getting a refresh in this expansion, have new cards targeting their underused ships. But there is so much more, as the set focuses on underused characteristics like shields, class, staffing, and the Cloaking Device keyword – and that’s only the beginning!

    Tyler Fultz [DJstormtrooper], Co-Lead Designer

    30th October 2015