ST2E Tournament - "European Continentals 2018 - Day Two" | openCards

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ST2E Tournament - "European Continentals 2018 - Day Two"

    This Tournament was announced and operated by openCards user Charlie Plaine (MidnightLich) and was published first on "The Continuing Committee (" at Mar 31st, 2018.

    imageThis Tournament is part of the schedule for the Big-Event EC 2018.

    Results: (published by Telak)

    RankPlayerAffiliationAdditional informationDecklist
    1AT Stefan Slaby
    Knowledge Shift
    Romulan iconimage
    2DE Benjamin Liebich
    Hard Times in the GQ. A tribute to Oliver Thust
    Dominion iconimage
    3DE EzriForever
    Cardassian in Gamma Quadrant Version 2
    Cardassian iconimage
    4AT Michael Albrechtunknown icon
    5DE bashircommanderunknown iconSoS 36
    6AT Clerasil ToB
    Destroy Dilemmas
    Terok Nor iconSoS 34image
    7DE Johannes Mette
    ECC: Landwirte rechnen mit bis zu 70 Prozent Ernteausfällen - und fordern 1.Mio € staatliche Hilfe.
    Starfleet iconSoS 24image
    8US Alexander Schmitz
    Borg Assimilation II
    Borg iconSoS 16image


    Date: Jul 29th, 2018
    Category: Continental Championship Finals
    Format: Constructed (Standard)
    Level: Level 3 (Continentals)
    Region: Gamma-03
    CVJM Kassel e.V. - Kassel (Germany)
    Location contact: none deposited
    Number of participants: 8
    Played Rounds: 6

    Tournament director

    TD: Telak (log in OR create a new account to write TD a private message)

    Invitation text

    European Continentals 2018 - Day Two