"terencespencer's" tradelist overview for "Decipher's Promotion Cards" | openCards

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"terencespencer's" tradelist overview for "Decipher's Promotion Cards"

    You see the tradelist for "Decipher's Promotion Cards" form openCards member "terencespencer" here. Hint: You will see only those card here, where "terencespencer" has already editied "Haves" and/or "Wants" in his or her collection. So, if you miss a card form this expansion or special set here, it's because "terencespencer" has no corresponding trade cards edited in his or her collection on openCards. Please keep also in mind: a user may mark a card multiple times for "Haves" or/and "Wants" - this could be a explanation for high numbers of "Haves" and/or "Wants" for a single card.

    "terencespencer's" tradelist for "Decipher's Promotion Cards":

    InfoNameRarityType# Haves# Wants
    ST2E 0 P 2Cardassian icon Elim Garak, Plain Simple TailorPromotionPersonnel10
    ST2E 0 P 35AbductionPromotion FoilEvent01
    ST2E 0 P 36Desperate SacrificePromotion FoilEvent01
    ST2E 0 P 37Mission AccomplishedPromotion FoilEvent01
    ST2E 0 P 38Non-Aligned icon MorikPromotion FoilPersonnel01
    ST2E 0 P 72Cardassian icon Dukat, Military AdvisorPromotion FoilPersonnel01
    ST2E 0 P 73Federation icon Jean-Luc Picard, ExplorerPromotion FoilPersonnel01
    ST2E 0 P 74Klingon icon Gowron, Sole Leader of the EmpirePromotion FoilPersonnel01
    ST2E 0 P 75Amnesty TalksPromotion FoilMission01
    ST2E 0 P 76Fissure ResearchPromotion FoilMission01
    ST2E 0 P 77Investigate Alien ProbePromotion FoilMission01
    ST2E 0 P 78Protect the EscapeesPromotion FoilMission01
    ST2E 0 P 80Destiny ResetPromotion FoilEvent01
    ST2E 12 R 50Cardassian icon Parek, Privileged LegatePromotion FoilPersonnel10