"Scherzkeksi's" tradelist overview for "Black Rider" | openCards

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"Scherzkeksi's" tradelist overview for "Black Rider"

    You see the tradelist for "Black Rider" form openCards member "Scherzkeksi" here. Hint: You will see only those card here, where "Scherzkeksi" has already editied "Haves" and/or "Wants" in his or her collection. So, if you miss a card form this expansion or special set here, it's because "Scherzkeksi" has no corresponding trade cards edited in his or her collection on openCards. Please keep also in mind: a user may mark a card multiple times for "Haves" or/and "Wants" - this could be a explanation for high numbers of "Haves" and/or "Wants" for a single card.

    "Scherzkeksi's" tradelist for "Black Rider":

    InfoNameRarityType# Haves# Wants
    LotR 12 U 1Dwarven icon Argument Ready to HandUncommonEvent10
    LotR 12 U 2Dwarven icon Belt of EreborUncommonPossession10
    LotR 12 U 3Dwarven icon A Clamour of Many VoicesUncommonCondition10
    LotR 12 C 4Dwarven icon DurabilityCommonEvent10
    LotR 12 U 5Dwarven icon Dwarven BracersUncommonPossession10
    LotR 12 C 6Dwarven icon Dwarven SkillCommonCondition10
    LotR 12 C 7Dwarven icon Dwarven WarriorCommonCompanion10
    LotR 12 C 8Dwarven icon His Father's ChargeCommonCondition10
    LotR 12 R 9Dwarven icon Loud and StrongRareCondition10
    LotR 12 R 10Dwarven icon No Pauses, No SpillsRareEvent10
    LotR 12 U 11Dwarven icon Nobody Tosses a DwarfUncommonEvent10
    LotR 12 U 12Dwarven icon Proud and AbleUncommonCondition10
    LotR 12 U 13Dwarven icon Sharp DefenseUncommonEvent10
    LotR 12 U 14Dwarven icon Stalwart SupportUncommonCondition10
    LotR 12 U 15Dwarven icon Thrarin, Smith of EreborUncommonCompanion10
    LotR 12 C 16Elven icon AttunementCommonEvent10
    LotR 12 R 17Elven icon Elrond, Witness to HistoryRareCompanion10
    LotR 12 R 18Elven icon HadafangRarePossession10
    LotR 12 R 19Elven icon Long-knives of LegolasRarePossession10
    LotR 12 C 20Elven icon Orophin, Brother of HaldirCommonCompanion10
    LotR 12 U 21Elven icon RefugeUncommonCondition10
    LotR 12 C 22Elven icon Rúmil, Brother of HaldirCommonCompanion10
    LotR 12 U 23Elven icon SeclusionUncommonEvent10
    LotR 12 U 24Elven icon Taking the High GroundUncommonCondition10
    LotR 12 U 25Gandalf icon Betrayal of IsengardUncommonCondition10
    LotR 12 R 26Gandalf icon DiscoveriesRareEvent10
    LotR 12 R 27Gandalf icon Gandalf, The White RiderRareCompanion10
    LotR 12 R 28Gandalf icon Gandalf's HatRarePossession10
    LotR 12 U 29Gandalf icon IntrospectionUncommonEvent10
    LotR 12 R 30Gandalf icon Járnsmid, Barding EmissaryRareCompanion10
    LotR 12 C 31Gandalf icon Mysterious WizardCommonEvent10
    LotR 12 C 32Gandalf icon SalveCommonCondition10
    LotR 12 C 33Gandalf icon The Terror of His ComingCommonEvent10
    LotR 12 C 34Gandalf icon Traveled LeaderCommonEvent10
    LotR 12 R 35Gandalf icon Watch and WaitRareCondition10
    LotR 12 U 36Gandalf icon With Doom We ComeUncommonCondition10
    LotR 12 R 37Gollum icon Come AwayRareCondition10
    LotR 12 R 38Gollum icon From Deep in ShadowRareEvent10
    LotR 12 U 39Gollum icon Not AloneUncommonCondition10
    LotR 12 C 40Gollum icon There's Another WayCommonCondition10
    LotR 12 U 41Gollum icon Treacherous Little ToadUncommonCondition10
    LotR 12 R 42Gondor icon Blade of Gondor, Sword of BoromirRarePossession10
    LotR 12 U 43Gondor icon Boromir, Defender of Minas TirithUncommonCompanion10
    LotR 12 C 44Gondor icon ConcealmentCommonEvent10
    LotR 12 C 45Gondor icon Confronting the EyeCommonCondition10
    LotR 12 C 46Gondor icon Elendil's ValorCommonEvent10
    LotR 12 R 47Gondor icon Faramir, Dúnadan of GondorRareCompanion10
    LotR 12 R 48Gondor icon Faramir's SwordRarePossession10
    LotR 12 U 49Gondor icon Gondorian SteedUncommonPossession10
    LotR 12 U 50Gondor icon GuardianUncommonCondition10
    LotR 12 U 51Gondor icon InvigoratedUncommonCondition10
    LotR 12 C 52Gondor icon TirelessCommonCondition10
    LotR 12 C 53Gondor icon Valorous LeaderCommonCondition10
    LotR 12 R 54Isengard icon Saruman, Of Many ColoursRareMinion10
    LotR 12 S 55Men icon Brutal EasterlingStarterMinion10
    LotR 12 R 56Men icon Castamir of Umbar, Corsair VandalRareMinion10
    LotR 12 R 57Men icon Corrupted SpyRareMinion10
    LotR 12 U 58Men icon Countless CompaniesUncommonCondition10
    LotR 12 C 59Men icon Covetous EasterlingCommonMinion10
    LotR 12 C 60Men icon Crazed HillmanCommonMinion10
    LotR 12 C 61Men icon Crooked TownsmanCommonMinion10
    LotR 12 U 62Men icon Dunlending ZealotUncommonMinion10
    LotR 12 U 63Men icon Easterling Banner-bearerUncommonMinion10
    LotR 12 C 64Men icon Enraged SouthronCommonMinion10
    LotR 12 S 65Men icon Frenzied DunlendingStarterMinion10
    LotR 12 U 66Men icon Gathering StrengthUncommonEvent10
    LotR 12 C 67Men icon Goaded to WarCommonCondition10
    LotR 12 R 68Men icon Gríma, Betrayer of RohanRareMinion10
    LotR 12 R 69Men icon Harrying HillmanRareMinion10
    LotR 12 C 70Men icon Hemmed InCommonCondition10
    LotR 12 U 71Men icon Last DaysUncommonCondition10
    LotR 12 R 72Men icon Messenger's MountRarePossession10
    LotR 12 S 73Men icon The Mouth of Sauron, Messenger of MordorStarterMinion10
    LotR 12 R 74Men icon Mûmak RiderRareMinion10
    LotR 12 R 75Men icon Poisonous WordsRareEvent10
    LotR 12 U 76Men icon Trail of TerrorUncommonCondition10
    LotR 12 C 77Men icon War TridentCommonPossession10
    LotR 12 C 78Men icon Wrathful HillmanCommonMinion10
    LotR 12 R 79Moria icon The Balrog, The Terror of Khazad-dûmRareMinion10
    LotR 12 R 80Moria icon Whip of Many Thongs, Weapon of Flame and ShadowRareArtifact10
    LotR 12 R 81Orc icon Abiding EvilRareEvent10
    LotR 12 R 82Orc icon BarrageRareEvent10
    LotR 12 R 83Orc icon The Beckoning ShadowRareCondition10
    LotR 12 C 84Orc icon Bloodstained FieldCommonEvent10
    LotR 12 R 85Orc icon Cave Troll of Moria, Savage MenaceRareMinion10
    LotR 12 R 86Orc icon Cave Troll's Hammer, Unwieldy CudgelRarePossession10
    LotR 12 C 87Orc icon Goblin AggressorCommonMinion10
    LotR 12 C 88Orc icon Great CostCommonCondition10
    LotR 12 U 89Orc icon Mordor AggressorUncommonMinion10
    LotR 12 U 90Orc icon Morgul TormentorUncommonMinion10
    LotR 12 R 91Orc icon Orc ArtisanRareMinion10
    LotR 12 C 92Orc icon Orc DregCommonMinion10
    LotR 12 C 93Orc icon Orc FootmanCommonMinion10
    LotR 12 U 94Orc icon Orc SapperUncommonMinion10
    LotR 12 C 95Orc icon Orc SkulkerCommonMinion10
    LotR 12 C 96Orc icon Orc SpearCommonPossession10
    LotR 12 U 97Orc icon Orc StrategistUncommonMinion10
    LotR 12 C 98Orc icon Orc TormentorCommonMinion10
    LotR 12 U 99Orc icon Pitiless OrcUncommonMinion10
    LotR 12 R 100Orc icon Rallying OrcRareMinion10
    LotR 12 R 101Orc icon RetributionRareCondition10
    LotR 12 C 102Orc icon Scavenging GoblinsCommonMinion10
    LotR 12 U 103Orc icon Storming the RampartsUncommonEvent10
    LotR 12 U 104Orc icon TauntUncommonEvent10
    LotR 12 R 105Orc icon Troll's Keyward, Keeper of the BeastRareMinion10
    LotR 12 C 106Orc icon Vile GoblinCommonMinion10
    LotR 12 C 107Rohan icon Aldred, Éored SoldierCommonCompanion10
    LotR 12 R 108Rohan icon Cast OutRareCondition10
    LotR 12 C 109Rohan icon Challenging the Orc-hostCommonEvent10
    LotR 12 C 110Rohan icon Cleaving a PathCommonCondition10
    LotR 12 R 111Rohan icon CoifRarePossession10
    LotR 12 U 112Rohan icon Éomer, Éored LeaderUncommonCompanion10
    LotR 12 S 113Rohan icon Éored WarriorStarterCompanion10
    LotR 12 C 114Rohan icon For the MarkCommonEvent10
    LotR 12 C 115Rohan icon Golden GlimmerCommonCondition10
    LotR 12 R 116Rohan icon Haethen, Veteran FighterRareCompanion10
    LotR 12 U 117Rohan icon Léofric, Defender of the MarkUncommonCompanion10
    LotR 12 R 118Sauron icon The Mouth of Sauron, Lieutenant of Barad-dûrRareMinion10
    LotR 12 R 119Shire icon Bilbo, Melancholy HobbitRareCompanion10
    LotR 12 R 120Shire icon DiversionRareEvent10
    LotR 12 C 121Shire icon Flotsam and JetsamCommonEvent10
    LotR 12 C 122Shire icon Home and HearthCommonCondition10
    LotR 12 C 123Shire icon Hope is KindledCommonEvent10
    LotR 12 R 124Shire icon Long Live the HalflingsRareCondition10
    LotR 12 S 125Shire icon Measure of ComfortStarterCondition10
    LotR 12 S 126Shire icon No Worse for WearStarterEvent10
    LotR 12 R 127Shire icon Pippin, Hobbit of Some IntelligenceRareCompanion10
    LotR 12 R 128Shire icon A PromiseRareCondition10
    LotR 12 R 129Shire icon Rosie Cotton, BarmaidRareCompanion10
    LotR 12 U 130Shire icon Simple LivingUncommonCondition10
    LotR 12 U 131Shire icon Stand TogetherUncommonCondition10
    LotR 12 U 132Shire icon Sudden FuryUncommonCondition10
    LotR 12 S 133Shire icon Tolman Cotton, Farmer of BywaterStarterCompanion10
    LotR 12 C 134Uruk-hai icon Advancing UrukCommonMinion10
    LotR 12 U 135Uruk-hai icon Barbaric UrukUncommonMinion10
    LotR 12 U 136Uruk-hai icon Berserker TorchUncommonPossession10
    LotR 12 C 137Uruk-hai icon Breeding Pit ConscriptCommonMinion10
    LotR 12 U 138Uruk-hai icon Broken HeirloomUncommonEvent10
    LotR 12 R 139Uruk-hai icon Broken in DefeatRareEvent10
    LotR 12 U 140Uruk-hai icon Crushing UrukUncommonMinion10
    LotR 12 R 141Uruk-hai icon Dark AllianceRareCondition10
    LotR 12 C 142Uruk-hai icon Merciless UrukCommonMinion10
    LotR 12 C 143Uruk-hai icon Quelling ForceCommonEvent10
    LotR 12 S 144Uruk-hai icon Saruman, Agent of the Dark LordStarterMinion10
    LotR 12 C 145Uruk-hai icon Shingle in a StormCommonCondition10
    LotR 12 C 146Uruk-hai icon Strange DeviceCommonEvent10
    LotR 12 U 147Uruk-hai icon Suppressing UrukUncommonMinion10
    LotR 12 U 148Uruk-hai icon Tempest of WarUncommonCondition10
    LotR 12 C 149Uruk-hai icon Uruk CommonCommonMinion10
    LotR 12 R 150Uruk-hai icon Uruk DecimatorRareMinion10
    LotR 12 S 151Uruk-hai icon Uruk DesecratorStarterMinion10
    LotR 12 S 152Uruk-hai icon Uruk DominatorStarterMinion10
    LotR 12 C 153Uruk-hai icon Uruk PikemanCommonMinion10
    LotR 12 R 154Uruk-hai icon Uruk SlaughtererRareMinion10
    LotR 12 R 155Uruk-hai icon Uruk ZealotRareMinion10
    LotR 12 R 156Uruk-hai icon Uruk-hai GuardRareMinion10
    LotR 12 R 157Uruk-hai icon Uruk-hai TroopRareMinion10
    LotR 12 U 158Uruk-hai icon Vicious UrukUncommonMinion10
    LotR 12 C 159Uruk-hai icon Weapon of OpportunityCommonPossession10
    LotR 12 C 160Uruk-hai icon Worthy of MordorCommonCondition10
    LotR 12 U 161Ringwraith icon Black RiderUncommonMinion10
    LotR 12 R 162Ringwraith icon Dark ApproachRareEvent10
    LotR 12 R 163Ringwraith icon Dark TemptationRareCondition10
    LotR 12 C 164Ringwraith icon Echo of HoovesCommonEvent10
    LotR 12 U 165Ringwraith icon In the Ringwraith's WakeUncommonEvent10
    LotR 12 U 166Ringwraith icon Lingering ShadowUncommonCondition10
    LotR 12 U 167Ringwraith icon Minas Morgul AnswersUncommonEvent10
    LotR 12 C 168Ringwraith icon Nazgûl BladeCommonPossession10
    LotR 12 R 169Ringwraith icon Sauron's GazeRareCondition10
    LotR 12 U 170Ringwraith icon Sense of ObligationUncommonCondition10
    LotR 12 R 171Ringwraith icon Shadowy MountRarePossession10
    LotR 12 C 172Ringwraith icon Steed of MordorCommonPossession10
    LotR 12 R 173Ringwraith icon Úlairë Attëa, Black PredatorRareMinion10
    LotR 12 R 174Ringwraith icon Úlairë Cantëa, Black AssassinRareMinion10
    LotR 12 R 175Ringwraith icon Úlairë Enquëa, Black ThreatRareMinion10
    LotR 12 U 176Ringwraith icon Úlairë Lemenya, Black EnemyUncommonMinion10
    LotR 12 C 177Ringwraith icon Úlairë Nelya, Black HunterCommonMinion10
    LotR 12 C 178Ringwraith icon Úlairë Nertëa, Black HorsemanCommonMinion10
    LotR 12 R 179Ringwraith icon Úlairë Otsëa, Black SpecterRareMinion10
    LotR 12 U 180Ringwraith icon Úlairë Toldëa, Black ShadowUncommonMinion10
    LotR 12 C 181Ringwraith icon Unending LifeCommonCondition10
    LotR 12 C 182Ringwraith icon UnimpededCommonCondition10
    LotR 12 R 183Ringwraith icon The Witch-king, Black LordRareMinion10
    LotR 12 U 184Ringwraith icon The Witch-king's Beast, Fell CreatureUncommonPossession10
    LotR 12 U 185The AngleUncommonSite10
    LotR 12 U 186The Bridge of Khazad-dûmUncommonSite10
    LotR 12 S 187Emyn MuilStarterSite10
    LotR 12 S 188Hill of SightStarterSite10
    LotR 12 S 189Hobbiton MarketStarterSite10
    LotR 12 S 190Northern PelennorStarterSite10
    LotR 12 U 191Shores of Nen HithoelUncommonSite10
    LotR 12 U 192Slopes of OrodruinUncommonSite10
    LotR 12 U 193StarkhornUncommonSite10
    LotR 12 U 194Wold BattlefieldUncommonSite10

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    Scherzkeksi's: Black Rider haves & wants
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