Lieutenant (j.g.) Alyssa Ogawa married shipmate Andrew Powell in 2370. A nurse assistant to Dr. Beverly Crusher, she is studying to be a doctor.
Federation Personnel
Gender: female. Species: Human.
Command & Staffing abilitys:
Classification: MEDICAL Biology
Medical Kit.
List of "personas" for Alyssa Ogawa:
Characteristics: affiliation, Doctor, Nurse, "Federation Flagship: Relaunched"-related personnel, Human species, romantic partner.
Requires: Kit.
Card logging info: Logged by openCards team at May 1st, 2009.
Starter Alternate Image Reprint Card card from The Trouble with Tribbles (Copyright 2000 by Decipher)
Image Source: Star Trek: First Contact -
UCT-ID : ST1E 9 SAR 162 (manufactor info on card: none)
Print-Style : color (standard) / black border / non-foil
List of "reprints" for Alyssa Ogawa:
- "If I was a linesman, I would execute defenders who applauded my offsides" by KaiserK
- "sergey and helena make a baby" by Alex Dixon
- "Resistance Will Never Be Futile!" by Stephan
- "Federation Flagship 2016 by Raphael Palenta" by timeruler
- "Day 1 - 1E" by Michael Van Breemen
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Also see here for all trade lists with any card fom "The Trouble with Tribbles".