(4) •Worf, The Strongest Heart | openCards

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Klingon icon (4) •Worf, The Strongest Heart

    Worf, The Strongest Heart

    Klingon Klingon icon Personnel Personnel of Klingon species.
    Icons: Command
    Red Dot 2 Honor   Red Dot Leadership  
    Red Dot Officer   Red Dot Security  
    When your Host or Honor Klingon present is about to be stopped by a dilemma, you may discard an event from hand to prevent that.

    "I am alone."

    Characteristics: prevent your personnel from beeing stopped by a dilemma, Klingon affiliation, discard an event from hand, personnel who has a cost of 3 or more, personnel who has a cost of 4 or more, Klingon species.
    Requires: Host, Klingon species.

    Card logging info: Logged by openCards team at Jan 1st, 2008.

    ST2E libraryCollector's Info

    Uncommon card from Captain's Log Captain's Log (Copyright 2006)
    Image Source: Deep Space Nine - You Are Cordially Invited (Season 6 - Episode 7)
    UCT-ID : ST2E 10 U 91 (manufactor info on card: 10 U 91)
    Print-Style : color (standard) / black border / non-foil
    List of "reprints" for Worf, The Strongest Heart:

    List of "personas" (same card title) for Worf:

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    ST2E libraryDecks

    Latest 5 Decks with this card (or with a reprint of this card):
    - "WCC: K1-K1-K1" by Johannes Mette
    - "There are four lights!" by Johannes Mette
    - "Auwerd Bijker - ECC 2015" by
    - "WCC: Do you take milk or sugar? No to both." by Johannes Mette
    - "Klingon Killer" by Coogee
    To see all decks with this card click here.
    Create your own Deck in the ST2E deck section!

    openCards tradeplaceTradeplace references

    There are 7 entries for Worf, The Strongest Heart (ST2E 10 U 91) at the Tradeplace (1 haves and 7 wants). Click here to see all trade list entries for this Uncommon card!
    Also see here for all trade lists with any card fom "Captain's Log".