By the time the player groups all over the world define a lot of different House-Rules for thier meetings. Different multi player formats and special rules for weaknesses of the game or for over powered cards see the light of the world.
Publish you House-Rule here and discuss your ideas with players around the world to learn more about the regional differences how to play this game.
Browse our House -Rules database!
In our databse you will find all House-Rules ever published here (use riter "Search").
Our favorite ST2E House-Rules are:
- Biermeister Format (from EC 2007)
- Casino Royal (Multiplayer Constructed from Grand Prix 2006)
- Orbital Shift - Draft format from GP 2007
Welcome to the overview of the latest ST2E House-Rules
You will find the latest 3 House-Rules here (order desc by publishing date).
Mercenary Draft (V.2)
This House-Rule article was written by openCards user thsch.
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Orbital Shift - a new tournament format
This House-Rule article was written by openCards user KaiserK.
The Orbital Shift tournament is first and foremost intended to be fun. In this format, winning is secondary to having a good time and playing as many players and decks as possible over the course of a 3-round tournament.
Every player brings a regular constructed deck to the tournament, and the first-round pairings will be determined at random, as usual.
During each round, an “orbital shift” will be announced about every 10-20 minutes. Once the tournament director calls out a “shift”, all games are immediately suspended, and each player moves one table to the left, where he will jump immediately into the game that is being played there. While the players move, the cards and decks stay where they are.
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The Biermeister Tournament
This House-Rule article was written by openCards user Tribble at May 7th, 2007.
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