Search for Weapons | openCards

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Search for Weapons

    ❖ Search for Weapons

    Demilitarized Zone Region • Border planet: Search planet for illegal Maquis arms cache.

    Mission Mission - Planet Planet
    Mission located in Alpha-Quadrant Alpha Quadrant with span: 3 and points: 30.
    Region: Demilitarized Zone.
    Requirements: OFFICER + Navigation + Treachery
    Special Instructions: May seed hand weapons under here.
    Affiliations: Mission Federation Mission Klingon Mission Cardassian Mission Bajoran Mission Ferengi

    Characteristics: Demilitarized Zone region, Alpha Quadrant Mission.
    Requires: Hand weapon.

    Rule hint for this card

    This card has an clarification:

    This mission’s special text (“May seed hand weapons here”) does not allow you to seed the Varon-T Disruptor in addition to another artifact. While the Varon-T Disruptor is a hand weapon, the mission text does not override the “one artifact per mission” rule.

    Taken form Glossary - Version 1.9.5.

    Card logging info: Logged by openCards team at May 1st, 2009.

    Search for Weapons

    This Card-Review article was written by Decipher's development team and was published first on "Decipher's Website (".

    Search for Weapons, like the other premium missions in Starter Deck II, is designed to facilitate playability in an SD2-vs.-SD2 game, as well as providing useful and interesting features in all game environments.

    As our first five-affiliation-icon mission, this card definitely breaks some new ground -- and should settle a few standing bets about whether we'd ever get to five! Because it has a universal icon and is in the Demilitarized Zone region, Search for Weapons allows you to build a DMZ as large as you like. Combine it with Intercept Maquis from the Deep Space Nine expansion set for a Cardassian theme deck.

    Another unusual aspect is the ability to seed hand weapons here like artifacts. Although you can't seed duplicate copies, you're free to seed two or three different weapons here for a nice little payoff at mission-solving time!


    Search for Weapons + Cardassian Disruptor + Cardassian Disruptor Rifle + Varon-T Disruptor + Kressari Rendezvous: "Find" a weapons stockpile in the DMZ, then deliver the disruptors to Kressari agents for extra points.

    Search for Weapons + Search for Weapons + Search for Weapons + Search for Weapons + Intercept Maquis + one other space mission: Nice little Cardie DMZ deck that's safe from Balancing Act.