Luther Sloan | openCards

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Luther Sloan

    Luther Sloan

    Section 31 operative. Secretive man with seemingly limitless access. Attempted to recruit Julian Bashir. Involved in infecting Odo with the changeling virus.

    Federation Federation icon  Personnel Personnel
    Gender: male. Species: Human.
    Command & Staffing abilitys: Command
    Classification: SECURITY
    Red Dot Section 31 x2   Red Dot SECURITY   Red Dot Treachery  
    Red Dot Honor   Red Dot Computer Skill   Red Dot May report anywhere.

    Characteristics: "Reshape the Quadrant"-related cards, Affiliation Federation affiliation, Intelligence - Section 31, Section 31, Human species.

    Card logging info: Logged by openCards team at May 1st, 2009.

    Luther Sloan

    This Card-Review article was written by Evan Lorentz and was published first on "Decipher's Website (".

    With his combination of SECURITY, Treachery, Honor and Computer Skill, you might at first glance compare Luther Sloan to Michael Eddington. Very quickly, however, it becomes clear there's no comparison. For starters, Sloan is the first full-time member of Section 31 (unlike "on-again, off-again" Admiral Ross), thus enabling the use of HQ: Defensive Measures and Security Holding Cell. He's also the first double-SECURITY available to the Federation, making him a great help against dilemmas like Assassin's Blade and Berserk Changeling.

    Of course, Sloan's not half as useful mixing with your personnel as he is messing with your opponent's. After all, it couldn't possibly be any easier to get him there. With a special skill allowing him to report literally anywhere, Sloan can appear on any ship, any planet, Alpha Quadrant, Gamma Quadrant, any site, any facility... anywhere.


    Luther Sloan + Commandeer Ship: Just drop Sloane on any ship your opponent has abandoned (except a Borg Cube), then make off with it using Commandeer Ship.

    Luther Sloan + Captured: With Sloan's double SECURITY, any of your opponent's crews or Away Teams with only one SECURITY (or none at all) is a ripe target for taking captives.

    Luther Sloan + Airlock: With Computer Skill, Treachery, CUNNING of 9, and the ability to report straight to your opponent's ship, Sloan is great for forcing your opponent's personnel out the Airlock.