Mirror Mirror Rules Supplement: Regent Worf | openCards

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Mirror Mirror Rules Supplement: Regent Worf

    Regent Worf

    Commander in chief of the Klingon/Cardassian Alliance, General Worf rules with an iron fist - often literally.

    Klingon Klingon icon  Personnel Personnel
    Gender: male. Species: Klingon.
    Command & Staffing abilitys: Command Alliance
    Icons (other): Mirror Quadrant
    Classification: V.I.P.
    Red Dot OFFICER   Red Dot Treachery   Red Dot Leadership  
    Red Dot Navigation   Red Dot On a Alliance ship, may select any matching Alliance personnel aboard as its matching commander. Special Download Make It So.

    Characteristics: "Reshape the Quadrant"-related cards, Affiliation Klingon affiliation, Alliance Alliance, General, Klingon species, matching commander.
    Requires: Alliance Alliance, matching commander.

    Rule hint for this card

    This card has an clarification:

    When this personnel assigns a new matching commander to a ship, this supersedes the ship’s previous matching commander, if it had one. (The assigned personnel must match the ship’s affiliation.)

    The assignment remains in effect until he reassigns it, even if Regent Worf is no longer aboard that ship or leaves play.

    Matching commander assignments are for specific copies of a Personnel card and a Ship card; they do not extend to other copies of a universal ship or personnel.

    Taken form Glossary - Version 1.9.5.

    Card logging info: Logged by openCards team at May 1st, 2009.

    Regent Worf
    Regent Worf counts as "matching commander" for the following ships or facilities:
    - Regency 1image (11 R 127) from Mirror, Mirror Mirror, Mirror
    List of mirror universe related cards for Regent Worf:
    - Duchampsimage (14 R+ 93) from Holodeck Adventures Holodeck Adventures
    - Sheriff Worfimage (14 R+ 114) from Holodeck Adventures Holodeck Adventures
    - Worfimage (1 R 251) from Premiere BB Premiere BB
    - Worfimage (4 R 114) from First Contact First Contact
    - Worfimage (19 V 38) from Shades of Gray Shades of Gray
    - Worf Son of Moghimage (6 P 134) from The Dominion The Dominion
    - Worf, Son of Moghimage (ST2E 6 P 55) from Reflections II Reflections II - ST1E compatible

    This Card-Review article was written by openCards user Decipher-Games at Jan 2nd, 2008.

    Quote from Mirror Mirror Rules Supplement:

    When Regent Worf assigns a new matching commander to a ship, this supersedes the ship's previous matching commander, if it had one. (The assigned personnel must match the ship's affiliation.)