Mopak | openCards

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    ❖ Mopak

    Representative of Romulan security personnel. Specializes in biohazard detection. In 2372, helped search the Romulan fleet for Dominion infiltration.

    Romulan Romulan icon  Personnel Personnel
    Gender: male. Species: Romulan.
    Command & Staffing abilitys: Staff
    Classification: SECURITY
    Red Dot Biology  

    Characteristics: "Reshape the Quadrant"-related cards, Affiliation Romulan affiliation, Romulan species, mission specialist.

    Card logging info: Logged by openCards team at May 1st, 2009.


    This Card-Review article was written by Kathy McCracken and was published first on "Decipher's Website (" at Jul 31st, 1999.

    One of the first new universal Romulans since Premiere will quickly find a place in most Romulan decks, ironically because he has fewer skills than the existing SECURITY personnel Jaron and Taul. For the Romulans, Mopak is both the first SECURITY mission specialist and the first non-holographic universal Biology skill (very useful for both dilemmas and mission-solving). Of equal importance is his INTEGRITY of 6, making him the first universal Romulan to survive a Firestorm without Lower Decks. Your only problem now will be deciding exactly which of the three universal SECURITY fits your deck best - try one of each for maximum versatility.


    • Mopak + Takket + Assign Mission Specialists: Two of your core classifications in play at the start of the game, both with critical dilemma-passing skills to boot.