Errata: Tsiolkovsky Infection | openCards

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Errata: Tsiolkovsky Infection

    Tsiolkovsky Infection

    Variety of water-based Psi 2000 virus. Passed by perspiration. Creates dangerous intoxication-like instability among a crew.

    Dilemma Dilemma - Space dilemma Space
    Place aboard ship. It is now infected. Mission continues, but all personnel, while aboard, lose their first-listed skill. Cure with 3 MEDICAL. (Not cumulative.)

    Rule hint for this card

    This card has an erratum:

    Clarification in game text about the question "if the mission attempt can be terminated after infection" and hint, that this card is not cumulative.

    Game text of first print (without errata): "Place aboard ship. It is now infected. Mission can continue but all personnel, while aboard, lose thier first-listed skill. Cure with 3 MEDICAL to discard."

    Taken form Glossary - Version 1.9.5.

    This card has an clarification:

    See skills.

    Taken form Glossary - Version 1.9.5.

    Card logging info: Logged by openCards team at May 1st, 2009.

    Tsiolkovsky InfectionTsiolkovsky Infection (first version)

    This Card-Review article was written by openCards user Dyluk at Mar 25th, 2008.


    This card has errata (taken from the Glossary 1.8). The effect of this card is not cumulative.

    Though the effect is not cumulative, it is still a good dilemma to use. Most personnel cards have their best skill listed first (most of the time also in multiple numbers, such as Jean-Luc Picard's Diplomacy x 2). Removing those skills before they can proceed to the other dilemmas makes your oppenents job much harder. Worried about 3 Medical? Seed a Common Thief, Talarian Plague Ship or Hippocratic Oath first to take of that !


