Characteristic ""randomly select" dilemma":
A Bad End (3 C 1)
A Devil Scorned (4 C 1)
Adopted Authority (29 V 1)
Adversarial Trial (28 V 1)
After Action Report (0 VP 208)
Aftereffects (13 C 1)
Aftermath (6 P 1)
Aggressive Behavior (1 R 2)
Agonizing Encounter (8 R 1)
A Klingon Matter (2 U 1)
Alien Abduction (1 C 3)
All-Consuming Evil (16 V 1)
Alluring Spy (4 C 4)
Anachronistic Deviation (35 V 1)
An Issue of Trust (10 R 2)
An Old Debt (3 S 2)
Any Methods Necessary (38 V 1)
A Pattern of Lies (10 C 1)
A Pleasant Surprise (4 C 2)
A Private Little War (21 V 1)
Archaic Snare (43 V 1)
Ardent Predator (27 V 1)
Arena (12 C 1)
Armed Search Party (10 R 3)
Armus Roulette (1 R 5)
A Royal Hunt (4 C 3)
Arrogance (24 V 1)
Assassination Attempt (1 R 7)
Assist Rescue Operation (8 U 2)
A Taste of Armageddon (34 V 1)
Automated Weapons (1 C 9)
Back Room Dealings (4 C 6)
Becalmed (36 V 2)
Berserk Changeling (1 R 10)
Best Interests at Heart (16 V 3)
Between Duty and Respect (8 U 3)
Biochemical Hyperacceleration (4 R 7)
Bio-neural Computer Core (9 R 1)
Bleeding to Death (4 U 8)
Blended (1 U 11)
Bre'Nan Ritual (8 R 4)
Brink of War (40 V 2)
Broken Link (23 V 2)
Captured by the Breen (13 U 3)
Cardassian Processing (8 R 5)
Cargo Pirates (14 C 3)
Casualties of War (2 R 2)
Cave-In (4 U 10)
Chameloid Chicanery (10 C 4)
Chula: Echoes (1 C 15)
Chula: Move Along Home (8 U 6)
Chula: Pick One to Save Two (1 C 16)
Chula: The Chandra (14 U 4)
Chula: The Game (30 V 2)
Chula: The Precipice (19 V 1)
Chula: Trickery (30 V 3)
Chula: Unfortunate Roll (16 V 5)
Close Call (3 C 3)
Code of Honor (7 R 2)
Command Decisions (1 S 17)
Compassionate Interference (10 U 5)
Compromised Experiment (46 V 2)
Confined to Quarters (3 C 4)
Contaminating a Culture (10 R 6)
Coolant Leak (23 V 3)
Covert Ambush (17 V 3)
Covert Extraction (38 V 2)
Covert Insertion (8 U 7)
Crippling Attack (2 U 3)
Cultural Differences (8 C 8)
Curt Reprimand (15 V 2)
Cutting Remark (49 V 1)
Dangerous Climb (3 R 5)
Dangerous Standoff (8 U 9)
Dark Page (21 V 2)
Dealing With Pressure (4 U 12)
Dedication to Duty (2 C 4)
Desperation (23 V 4)
Deuterium Plunderers (8 U 10)
Difficult Rescue (10 C 7)
Disarming Dream (13 C 7)
Discommendation (30 V 4)
Disgraceful Assault (2 C 5)
Disruptor Accident (2 C 6)
Divergent Goals (43 V 2)
Don't Let It End This Way (3 C 8)
Dragon's Teeth (40 V 3)
Dressing Down (3 U 9)
Drumhead (1 R 23)
Echo Papa Attack (17 V 4)
Echo Papa Stasis Field (4 C 13)
Enemy Boarding Party (1 R 24)
Environmental Contaminants (43 V 3)
Explosive Decompression (1 R 26)
Exposed Power Relay (2 U 8)
Eye to Eye (6 P 3)
Face to Face (2 R 9)
Family (23 V 5)
Ferengi Locator Bomb (15 V 3)
Final Adventure (6 P 4)
Flare of Rage (31 V 5)
Flashpoint (40 V 4)
Formal Hearing (4 U 14)
Fractured Time (13 C 9)
Frame of Mind (42 V 1)
Friendly Fire (32 V 1)
Frozen by Fear (31 V 6)
Full Complement (17 V 5)
Full Security Alert (6 P 5)
Gangster's Welcome (12 C 7)
Graviton Wave (3 C 13)
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? (4 C 15)
Hard of Heart (38 V 4)
Hard Time (6 P 6)
Hazardous Materials (42 V 2)
Head to Head (2 R 11)
Heart to Heart (7 C 6)
Helpless (6 P 7)
Historical Curiosity (32 V 2)
History Repeats Itself (3 C 14)
Houdini Mines (2 C 13)
Hull Breach (10 C 8)
Hunter Gangs (1 C 29)
Identity Theft (29 V 5)
Imagined Emergency (10 U 9)
Incorporeal Parasite (29 V 6)
Indecent Proposal (33 V 3)
In Development (21 V 3)
Infatuation (25 V 1)
In-Fighting (16 V 6)
Information Extraction (23 V 7)
Inhumane Interrogation (21 V 4)
Inquest (29 V 7)
Instigate Dissension (15 V 4)
Interphasic Effects (13 C 11)
Interstellar Exigence (43 V 4)
In the Way (4 C 17)
Intimidation (26 V 4)
In Training (4 R 18)
Isolated Detachment (43 V 5)
Its Thinking is Chaotic (18 V 1)
Joint Operation Drills (10 C 10)
Journey to the Past (38 V 6)
Just Following Orders (23 V 8)
Justice or Vengeance (3 S 16)
Kelvan Show of Force (1 R 32)
Key to the Alpha Quadrant (13 U 12)
Klingon Law (16 V 7)
Know Thy Enemy (38 V 7)
Kolaran Raiders (1 S 33)
Last Gasp (10 U 11)
Left Behind (19 V 2)
Let Them Worry (16 V 8)
Limited Welcome (1 S 34)
Losira (18 V 3)
Macrovirus (42 V 3)
Magnetic Field Disruptions (1 C 36)
Maquis Vendetta (9 R 3)
Mark of Gideon (12 C 10)
Memory Invasion (2 C 15)
Miner Disagreement (3 C 17)
Miner Revolt (17 V 8)
Misguided Activist (1 C 38)
Moral Choice (14 C 7)
Mr. Tricorder (6 P 8)
Mugato (12 C 12)
Murder Investigation (3 C 18)
Nanite Attack (1 R 39)
Nausicaan Pirates (2 C 16)
Neurogenic Field (14 U 8)
New Advancements (13 U 13)
Night Terrors (14 U 9)
Nonlinear Existence (30 V 6)
Nose to Nose (10 C 13)
Not Quite Domesticated Pets (11 PF 4)
Occupational Hazards (17 V 9)
Old Differences (14 C 10)
Ominous Presence (26 V 8)
Once More Unto the Breach (15 V 5)
One to One (16 V 9)
Opportunity for Profit (8 U 12)
Ornaran Threat (1 C 41)
Overburdened (28 V 3)
Paradan Replicant (13 R 14)
Paradise Found (39 V 2)
Parallel Romance (18 V 4)
Paranoid Escape (13 R 15)
Patriotic Spirit (16 V 10)
Personal Duty (1 R 42)
Pest Control (31 V 10)
Picking Up the Pieces (2 U 17)
Pillage and Plunder (21 V 6)
Pinned Down (1 S 43)
Plasma Shock (2 U 18)
Precarious Position (33 V 5)
Preventative Repercussions (13 C 16)
Profitable Venture (8 U 15)
Proximity-Actuated Field (7 R 10)
Psionic Attack (10 R 14)
Psychic Receptacle (3 U 20)
Psycho-Kinetic Attack (3 S 21)
Psych Test (7 U 11)
Punishment Box (17 V 10)
Pursuit Just Behind (1 R 46)
Put to the Screws (34 V 6)
Quantum Filament (3 R 22)
Quarrel (7 C 12)
Racial Tension (2 C 20)
Rascals (49 V 2)
Rejecting the Past (30 V 9)
Renegade Ambush (4 U 22)
Restricted Area (3 U 23)
Revelry (9 R 4)
"Rock People" (3 C 24)
Rogue Borg Ambush (3 U 25)
Savagery to Match Their Numbers (16 V 11)
Security Weapons (13 C 18)
Setting the Stage (21 V 7)
Shaken Confidence (40 V 7)
Shattered (13 U 19)
Sheer Lunacy (3 C 27)
Shields Up! (9 R 2)
Show Trial (15 V 7)
Side by Side (4 U 24)
Silent Attack (12 C 16)
Silent Witness (38 V 9)
Simulated Prey (34 V 8)
Skeptical Superiors (16 V 12)
Skullduggery (1 U 49)
Small Problems (7 U 13)
So Many Enemies (3 C 29)
Sorting Things Out (2 C 21)
Soul Searching (29 V 8)
Space Seed (41 V 3)
Staffing Shortage (29 V 9)
Standing Trial (28 V 5)
Stand-Off (10 C 16)
Stay Where Thou Art (7 U 14)
Strategic Superiority (16 V 13)
Subspace Accident (2 C 23)
Subspace Fracture (42 V 4)
Sylvia (14 R 16)
Symbalene Blood Burn (10 C 17)
Tactical Disadvantage (8 R 16)
Telepathic Invasion (8 U 17)
Temporal Misalignment (5 P 1)
Temptation (1 U 53)
The Big Goodbye (25 V 4)
The Captain's "Guest" (18 V 6)
The Charismatic Mister Kor (18 V 7)
The Charming Mister Riker (18 V 8)
The Clown: Go Away (21 V 8)
The Clown: Guillotine (14 R 17)
The Dal'Rok (13 R 20)
The First Duty (21 V 9)
The Gentleman Doctor McCoy (18 V 9)
The Moon's a Window to Heaven (1 R 55)
The Needs of the Many (29 V 13)
The Phase (49 V 5)
The Secret War (13 U 21)
The Weak Will Perish (31 V 11)
Time for Action (16 V 17)
Toe to Toe (14 C 19)
Trabe Grenade (1 C 56)
Tragic Turn (5 P 3)
Training Accident (2 R 26)
Traitor Exposed (2 C 27)
Treachery Running Deep (16 V 18)
Trelane's Trial (12 C 18)
Triage (1 C 57)
Trilithium Heist (23 V 11)
Tsiolkovsky Infection (4 R 28)
Unbelievable Emergency (11 PF 7)
Under Pressure (10 U 20)
Unexpected (2 C 28)
Unfair Comparison (22 V 9)
Unfair Terms (17 V 15)
Unionize (16 V 19)
Unknown Microorganism (6 P 11)
Unorthodox Recruitment (38 V 12)
Warp Bubble Mishap (8 C 19)
Weight of Command (40 V 9)
What Lies Beneath (15 V 10)
Whisper in the Dark (4 R 30)
Worn-Out Welcome (6 P 13)
Xenophobic Outburst (46 V 6)
Your Moment is Fading (4 C 31)
A Devil Scorned (4 C 1)
Adopted Authority (29 V 1)
Adversarial Trial (28 V 1)
After Action Report (0 VP 208)
Aftereffects (13 C 1)
Aftermath (6 P 1)
Aggressive Behavior (1 R 2)
Agonizing Encounter (8 R 1)
A Klingon Matter (2 U 1)
Alien Abduction (1 C 3)
All-Consuming Evil (16 V 1)
Alluring Spy (4 C 4)
Anachronistic Deviation (35 V 1)
An Issue of Trust (10 R 2)
An Old Debt (3 S 2)
Any Methods Necessary (38 V 1)
A Pattern of Lies (10 C 1)
A Pleasant Surprise (4 C 2)
A Private Little War (21 V 1)
Archaic Snare (43 V 1)
Ardent Predator (27 V 1)
Arena (12 C 1)
Armed Search Party (10 R 3)
Armus Roulette (1 R 5)
A Royal Hunt (4 C 3)
Arrogance (24 V 1)
Assassination Attempt (1 R 7)
Assist Rescue Operation (8 U 2)
A Taste of Armageddon (34 V 1)
Automated Weapons (1 C 9)
Back Room Dealings (4 C 6)
Becalmed (36 V 2)
Berserk Changeling (1 R 10)
Best Interests at Heart (16 V 3)
Between Duty and Respect (8 U 3)
Biochemical Hyperacceleration (4 R 7)
Bio-neural Computer Core (9 R 1)
Bleeding to Death (4 U 8)
Blended (1 U 11)
Bre'Nan Ritual (8 R 4)
Brink of War (40 V 2)
Broken Link (23 V 2)
Captured by the Breen (13 U 3)
Cardassian Processing (8 R 5)
Cargo Pirates (14 C 3)
Casualties of War (2 R 2)
Cave-In (4 U 10)
Chameloid Chicanery (10 C 4)
Chula: Echoes (1 C 15)
Chula: Move Along Home (8 U 6)
Chula: Pick One to Save Two (1 C 16)
Chula: The Chandra (14 U 4)
Chula: The Game (30 V 2)
Chula: The Precipice (19 V 1)
Chula: Trickery (30 V 3)
Chula: Unfortunate Roll (16 V 5)
Close Call (3 C 3)
Code of Honor (7 R 2)
Command Decisions (1 S 17)
Compassionate Interference (10 U 5)
Compromised Experiment (46 V 2)
Confined to Quarters (3 C 4)
Contaminating a Culture (10 R 6)
Coolant Leak (23 V 3)
Covert Ambush (17 V 3)
Covert Extraction (38 V 2)
Covert Insertion (8 U 7)
Crippling Attack (2 U 3)
Cultural Differences (8 C 8)
Curt Reprimand (15 V 2)
Cutting Remark (49 V 1)
Dangerous Climb (3 R 5)
Dangerous Standoff (8 U 9)
Dark Page (21 V 2)
Dealing With Pressure (4 U 12)
Dedication to Duty (2 C 4)
Desperation (23 V 4)
Deuterium Plunderers (8 U 10)
Difficult Rescue (10 C 7)
Disarming Dream (13 C 7)
Discommendation (30 V 4)
Disgraceful Assault (2 C 5)
Disruptor Accident (2 C 6)
Divergent Goals (43 V 2)
Don't Let It End This Way (3 C 8)
Dragon's Teeth (40 V 3)
Dressing Down (3 U 9)
Drumhead (1 R 23)
Echo Papa Attack (17 V 4)
Echo Papa Stasis Field (4 C 13)
Enemy Boarding Party (1 R 24)
Environmental Contaminants (43 V 3)
Explosive Decompression (1 R 26)
Exposed Power Relay (2 U 8)
Eye to Eye (6 P 3)
Face to Face (2 R 9)
Family (23 V 5)
Ferengi Locator Bomb (15 V 3)
Final Adventure (6 P 4)
Flare of Rage (31 V 5)
Flashpoint (40 V 4)
Formal Hearing (4 U 14)
Fractured Time (13 C 9)
Frame of Mind (42 V 1)
Friendly Fire (32 V 1)
Frozen by Fear (31 V 6)
Full Complement (17 V 5)
Full Security Alert (6 P 5)
Gangster's Welcome (12 C 7)
Graviton Wave (3 C 13)
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? (4 C 15)
Hard of Heart (38 V 4)
Hard Time (6 P 6)
Hazardous Materials (42 V 2)
Head to Head (2 R 11)
Heart to Heart (7 C 6)
Helpless (6 P 7)
Historical Curiosity (32 V 2)
History Repeats Itself (3 C 14)
Houdini Mines (2 C 13)
Hull Breach (10 C 8)
Hunter Gangs (1 C 29)
Identity Theft (29 V 5)
Imagined Emergency (10 U 9)
Incorporeal Parasite (29 V 6)
Indecent Proposal (33 V 3)
In Development (21 V 3)
Infatuation (25 V 1)
In-Fighting (16 V 6)
Information Extraction (23 V 7)
Inhumane Interrogation (21 V 4)
Inquest (29 V 7)
Instigate Dissension (15 V 4)
Interphasic Effects (13 C 11)
Interstellar Exigence (43 V 4)
In the Way (4 C 17)
Intimidation (26 V 4)
In Training (4 R 18)
Isolated Detachment (43 V 5)
Its Thinking is Chaotic (18 V 1)
Joint Operation Drills (10 C 10)
Journey to the Past (38 V 6)
Just Following Orders (23 V 8)
Justice or Vengeance (3 S 16)
Kelvan Show of Force (1 R 32)
Key to the Alpha Quadrant (13 U 12)
Klingon Law (16 V 7)
Know Thy Enemy (38 V 7)
Kolaran Raiders (1 S 33)
Last Gasp (10 U 11)
Left Behind (19 V 2)
Let Them Worry (16 V 8)
Limited Welcome (1 S 34)
Losira (18 V 3)
Macrovirus (42 V 3)
Magnetic Field Disruptions (1 C 36)
Maquis Vendetta (9 R 3)
Mark of Gideon (12 C 10)
Memory Invasion (2 C 15)
Miner Disagreement (3 C 17)
Miner Revolt (17 V 8)
Misguided Activist (1 C 38)
Moral Choice (14 C 7)
Mr. Tricorder (6 P 8)
Mugato (12 C 12)
Murder Investigation (3 C 18)
Nanite Attack (1 R 39)
Nausicaan Pirates (2 C 16)
Neurogenic Field (14 U 8)
New Advancements (13 U 13)
Night Terrors (14 U 9)
Nonlinear Existence (30 V 6)
Nose to Nose (10 C 13)
Not Quite Domesticated Pets (11 PF 4)
Occupational Hazards (17 V 9)
Old Differences (14 C 10)
Ominous Presence (26 V 8)
Once More Unto the Breach (15 V 5)
One to One (16 V 9)
Opportunity for Profit (8 U 12)
Ornaran Threat (1 C 41)
Overburdened (28 V 3)
Paradan Replicant (13 R 14)
Paradise Found (39 V 2)
Parallel Romance (18 V 4)
Paranoid Escape (13 R 15)
Patriotic Spirit (16 V 10)
Personal Duty (1 R 42)
Pest Control (31 V 10)
Picking Up the Pieces (2 U 17)
Pillage and Plunder (21 V 6)
Pinned Down (1 S 43)
Plasma Shock (2 U 18)
Precarious Position (33 V 5)
Preventative Repercussions (13 C 16)
Profitable Venture (8 U 15)
Proximity-Actuated Field (7 R 10)
Psionic Attack (10 R 14)
Psychic Receptacle (3 U 20)
Psycho-Kinetic Attack (3 S 21)
Psych Test (7 U 11)
Punishment Box (17 V 10)
Pursuit Just Behind (1 R 46)
Put to the Screws (34 V 6)
Quantum Filament (3 R 22)
Quarrel (7 C 12)
Racial Tension (2 C 20)
Rascals (49 V 2)
Rejecting the Past (30 V 9)
Renegade Ambush (4 U 22)
Restricted Area (3 U 23)
Revelry (9 R 4)
"Rock People" (3 C 24)
Rogue Borg Ambush (3 U 25)
Savagery to Match Their Numbers (16 V 11)
Security Weapons (13 C 18)
Setting the Stage (21 V 7)
Shaken Confidence (40 V 7)
Shattered (13 U 19)
Sheer Lunacy (3 C 27)
Shields Up! (9 R 2)
Show Trial (15 V 7)
Side by Side (4 U 24)
Silent Attack (12 C 16)
Silent Witness (38 V 9)
Simulated Prey (34 V 8)
Skeptical Superiors (16 V 12)
Skullduggery (1 U 49)
Small Problems (7 U 13)
So Many Enemies (3 C 29)
Sorting Things Out (2 C 21)
Soul Searching (29 V 8)
Space Seed (41 V 3)
Staffing Shortage (29 V 9)
Standing Trial (28 V 5)
Stand-Off (10 C 16)
Stay Where Thou Art (7 U 14)
Strategic Superiority (16 V 13)
Subspace Accident (2 C 23)
Subspace Fracture (42 V 4)
Sylvia (14 R 16)
Symbalene Blood Burn (10 C 17)
Tactical Disadvantage (8 R 16)
Telepathic Invasion (8 U 17)
Temporal Misalignment (5 P 1)
Temptation (1 U 53)
The Big Goodbye (25 V 4)
The Captain's "Guest" (18 V 6)
The Charismatic Mister Kor (18 V 7)
The Charming Mister Riker (18 V 8)
The Clown: Go Away (21 V 8)
The Clown: Guillotine (14 R 17)
The Dal'Rok (13 R 20)
The First Duty (21 V 9)
The Gentleman Doctor McCoy (18 V 9)
The Moon's a Window to Heaven (1 R 55)
The Needs of the Many (29 V 13)
The Phase (49 V 5)
The Secret War (13 U 21)
The Weak Will Perish (31 V 11)
Time for Action (16 V 17)
Toe to Toe (14 C 19)
Trabe Grenade (1 C 56)
Tragic Turn (5 P 3)
Training Accident (2 R 26)
Traitor Exposed (2 C 27)
Treachery Running Deep (16 V 18)
Trelane's Trial (12 C 18)
Triage (1 C 57)
Trilithium Heist (23 V 11)
Tsiolkovsky Infection (4 R 28)
Unbelievable Emergency (11 PF 7)
Under Pressure (10 U 20)
Unexpected (2 C 28)
Unfair Comparison (22 V 9)
Unfair Terms (17 V 15)
Unionize (16 V 19)
Unknown Microorganism (6 P 11)
Unorthodox Recruitment (38 V 12)
Warp Bubble Mishap (8 C 19)
Weight of Command (40 V 9)
What Lies Beneath (15 V 10)
Whisper in the Dark (4 R 30)
Worn-Out Welcome (6 P 13)
Xenophobic Outburst (46 V 6)
Your Moment is Fading (4 C 31)
Require ""randomly select" dilemma":
Set Up (3 R 54)
• Chalan Aroya, Accessible Restaurateur (18 V 19)
• Rom, Younger Brother (7 U 90)
• Thadiun Okona, Outrageous Rogue (27 V 14)
• Ba'el, Naive Prisoner (18 V 41)
• Chalan Aroya, Accessible Restaurateur (18 V 19)
• Rom, Younger Brother (7 U 90)
• Thadiun Okona, Outrageous Rogue (27 V 14)
• Ba'el, Naive Prisoner (18 V 41)